Welcome to Golden Pickups!

My name is Pat, and I started Golden Pickups because I love guitars.

When I was 13 years old, I picked up my father’s 1967 Teisco electric guitar and started fantasizing about playing the guitar. It had rusted strings and terrible action, but it didn’t stop me from trying. Since then, I’ve never stopped playing!

Through Golden Pickups I offer guitars that excite me personally and I know are great instruments.

Every guitar on this site is one that I personally test out and play.

Golden Pickups guitars are selected because they are:

  • unique or rare
  • great examples of the period (a classic example)
  • beautiful in appearance and performance
Enjoy the site and thank you for visiting!
Pat Guariglia
Shown here 1967 Teisco guitar. The headstock emblem is missing. When I was around 14 years old, I painted the headstock black, and put my initials on.

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